The Act The Act Image Credit: Majkl Velner on Unsplash There is [ ] Inside this act. Though it sees,from a distanceflawlessfunctioningfeature–Actually,acreaturefacade– The Chordatamust strutthe scriptin broad daylightwhere insidethe act–patheticpitifulpetrifiedexcuse for apansy vertebrate. The roundabout routinecomes with savory–ravenousravishingWhat say.Where be.Who talk.When sleep. An acidic aristocratinsomniac incarceratedwhistles castle moonrise howlsat sun close The Chordatamust reboot–never to loseIron Curtaineyelids–because thescript shadowsthe ( ). The scriptmust be struttedfacsimile. Inside this act [ ] there is. Read on Pocket Baby → ← Back to Creative Works